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ADHD or Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder is a mental illness that is commonly known as a childhood disorder. However, it is not limited to children since it can also continue through adolescence and adulthood.
This mental illness is when an individual finds it difficult to pay attention or is feeling the need to move always during times when one shouldn’t. These are just some signs, and proper diagnosis of a doctor is needed. Thus, if you or your loved one is diagnosed with this illness, then it is just right for you to know what treatments are available for you.
Your doctor will mostly determine your treatment, but it is essential that you should know about the said treatments so that you know what you are doing to yourself and how these treatments help you with your condition. With this said, we will be discussing ADHD’s treatment like medications like Adderall XR.
What Causes ADHD?
Currently, researchers like those from the National Institute of Mental Health and National Institutes of Health, are still presently digging further for the causes of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Studies currently suggest that ADHD may be caused by the interaction between genes and environmental or non-genetic factors.
You can say that it is also like any other illnesses which an individual may develop due to various contributing factors. For ADHD, here are the factors that may contribute to the development of ADHD:
• Genes
• Alcohol use, cigarette smoking, or drug use during pregnancy
• Exposure to environmental toxins at a young age (e.g., high levels of lead)
• Brain injuries
• Low birth weight
Treatment: Medications, and Therapies for ADHD
There are various treatments for ADHD that the doctor can prescribe and recommend to the patient. As such, the treatment for this mental illness varies per person since ADHD prescribed medications depend on the patient’s symptoms.
Stimulant Drugs
The most commonly prescribed drugs for ADHD medication are stimulants and are used for around more than 50 years. The stimulants work by increasing the availability of some chemicals in the brain that helps to make the pathways in the brain work more effectively. For people with ADHD, the stimulants lessen the symptoms in 70 to 80 percent.
It is available in an immediate-release and extended-release forms that lasts from 4 to 12 hours respectively. It comes as a capsule, pill, liquid or a skin patch.
The side effects of stimulants can cause headache, irritability, stomachache, decreased appetite, and insomnia. There are also some stimulants that may increase an individual’s risk of developing heart or psychiatric problems although it is rare.
Common stimulants used to treat ADHD includes Adderall, like Adderall XR which is available with an Adderall XR discount coupon. Other stimulants available would be Ritalin, Concerta, Focalin, Daytrana, Metadate or Methylin, Dexedrine or Dextrostat, and Vyvanse.
Nonstimulant Drugs
Non-stimulant drugs are sometimes used along with stimulants. It can also be used as an alternative to stimulants since non-stimulant drugs also have its advantages such as having a longer-lasting effect and smoother effect, or not causing any agitation and sleeplessness to the patient.
This drug has a certain effect on the brain’s receptors. Studies have shown that it reduces distraction while improving attention and working memory and impulse control. These medications also help control heart rate and blood pressure. Common non-stimulant drugs used as a medication for ADHD are Strattera and Intuniv.
Antidepressants are not approved by the FDA or Food and Drug Association to specifically treat ADHD, but it is sometimes used alone or in combination with a stimulant to help manage the condition of the patient. Antidepressant medication might include Wellbutrin, Tofranil, Aventyl, and Norpramin.
Counseling and Therapies
Counseling and therapies for children and adults with ADHD would highly benefit from these sessions. The common forms of counseling include the following:
Behavioral Therapy. A form of counseling wherein individuals with ADHD learns behavior-changing strategies and coping skills to be able to deal with difficult situations. This therapy can help reduce disruptive behaviors.
Psychotherapy. This therapy involves consulting a psychiatrist or a psychologist about ADHD-related issues to identify methods in coping up with the symptoms.
ADHD is a serious mental illness that needs to have the attention of healthcare professionals. On another hand, those parents or spouses that have their loved ones suffer from this condition should also be provided a form of counseling or therapy to help manage their stress in taking care of the patient.
Lastly, knowing more about the condition will definitely help out in battling ADHD, which is why the information above should serve as an aid in taking good care of the individual that has the Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Not only that, by knowing the medications and treatment, you will be able to tell if the prescribed medications are working or not.