All the information you need about chiropractic and functional medicine therapy

All the information you need about chiropractic and functional medicine therapy

We all suffer from various ailments or severe pains due to some chronic form of injury. Generally, in such cases, you book an appointment with your family physician, the appointment lasts around 30 minutes, and you come home, not entirely satisfied but with prescriptions drugs and a lighter wallet.

According to our experts, such over the counter medication doesn’t have much of an effect on the root cause of the problem. Instead, when you are going for these factory-made medicines, you are harming yourself due to the sheer number of side-effects. Moreover, you are essentially treating the symptoms and not the source of one.

Now, the fact about these alternative forms of therapy is that a simple internet search will throw around a hundred hits and results back at you, but most of these listed practices aren’t top of the line and lacks the necessary expertise. So, you need to keep in mind that you require an expert, so you should look no further than the Active Edge Chiropractic and Functional Medicine.

And it is not just that; there are a few other considerations as well. So, let us have a look at all the general information you need to keep in mind about such holistic disease management approaches.

Value the referral

If your family physician suggested a chiropractic practitioner or a functional medicine expert, then the chances are that the service is an expert and a professional one. Referrals from friends, family and previous employers of the service are also solid proof about the professionalism of a particular service.

Check the licensing

Yes, a chiropractor or a functional medicine practitioner doesn’t need a formal medical degree, but still, the individual requires formal training and a licensure to practice in your locality. You also need to consider the gender as well as the experience of the individual at dealing with your specific type of injury.

Is chiropractic therapy better?

You bet it is. Chiropractic therapy is eons better than the traditional therapy options owing to the single fact that there is not a single use of harmful pain medications. Yes, the pain medications do work but only in some instances. This includes cases where just the treatment of the pain symptom is required to numb the sensation. Instead, chiropractic care takes into account the lifestyle and several other choices to treat the root cause of the ailment better than any other mode of treatment.

A personalized treatment option

In the case of the traditional mode of treatment, the same protocol and prescription drugs are prescribed to every individual having the same complications. But in the case of chiropractic treatment, you invest in a more holistic approach free of pain meds. This type of therapy also accounts for your body type and the requirement to better understand the nature and cause of your complication.

Chiropractic therapy is not like physiotherapy. It takes into account the entire set of the neuromuscular system that is responsible for maintaining the stability to spine, joints and other affected parts of the body. All you need to do is keep in mind these primary considerations before going for a particular service.