How to Take Precautions for Covid-19 When Recycling or Disposing of Waste

precautions for covid-19

With so much uncertainty around covid-19 and what will happen over the next few months, it can be tempting to let good habits such as recycling slide. However, with more and more of us set to be social distancing and spending more time at home, it’s likely that we’re going to be producing more household waste during this time.

Plus, with local councils becoming strained and a risk of limited rubbish collections due to bin men needing to self-isolate, how can you improve your recycling and waste habits while still keeping safe?

Continue with Your Usual Habits

Times are definitely tough, especially with shortages in supermarkets and uncertainty over jobs. Which means, many of can let some of our daily habits – such as recycling – slip. However, it is important that you try to recycle as much as possible. Indeed, you can even take these unusual times to improve your habits and teach your kids about recycling.

So, whether it’s paper, plastic or washing out your tins, keep going and recycle as much as possible. Just keep in mind, particularly when taking recycling to a communal bin, that you should look to wear gloves and wash your hands thoroughly on re-entering your home.

The same goes for putting out your recycling and waste skip bins if you have some. Although there might be delays in pick-up, put your bins out on designated days unless told otherwise by your local council. When taking your bins in and out, always wear gloves and spray with disinfectant. Again, wash your hands afterwards.

Visiting Recycling Plants or Skips

For some of us, in order to recycle, we need to visit a local recycling point – such as those you might find at a supermarket or a central plant where recycling goes. When visiting these places, it’s important that you take precautions, especially when you don’t know who’s visited these places.

So, always wear gloves and wash your hands as often as you can. You should also consider changing your clothes and perhaps having a shower on your return.

Please note, if you are in the vulnerable category in regards to Covid-19, you should avoid these places as they are open to the public. Instead, either have a family member or friend take it or look to book a waste management that will recycle for you.

Waste When You’re Self-Isolating

To help protect others, if you are self-isolating due to Covid-19 symptoms or you have tested positive, you will need to take further precautions. At this point you should aim to put all personal waste (such as tissues) into double-bagged bin bags.

Once double bagged, this waste should be sprayed with disinfectant and stored in a safe place away from areas where children or pests could come in contact with it for 72 hours before it can be put in your general waste.

For other rubbish, such as food packaging, you can dispose of your waste in the same way as you would normally do. For more tips head over to KwikSweep