Healthier with Age: Why Mouth Care Matters as You Get Older

Healthier with Age: Why Mouth Care Matters as You Get Older

Your dental needs change as you age. From your gums to your saliva, maintenance is crucial. Dental maintenance is important at every age, but especially in your elder years.

Elderly teeth are more vulnerable to decay and disease than younger adult teeth.

While prevention is key for many health issues, some things are just a part of aging. The best thing you can do is keep up your dental and mouth care.

Interesting in learning exactly how your mouth and teeth change over time? Keep reading to find out what happens to your mouth as you age.

1. You’re More Prone to Diseases

Your chances of developing oral cancer increase when you’re over the age of 40. Cancer can affect the bones, gums, and structure of your mouth. Not to mention the effects cancer treatments can have on your teeth.

Gum disease is also more likely to occur in the elderly population. The best way to combat that risk is by taking excellent care of your teeth. Brush with fluoride toothpaste at least twice a day.

Elderly patients should get regular checkups for gum disease and cancer. The sooner the dentist can catch these conditions, the sooner they can treat them. And, the dentist can recommend the best mouth care strategies for your specific case.

2. Your Enamel Gets Weaker

It’s common to develop brittle teeth as the tooth enamel decreases. As you age, tooth enamel gets thinner and weaker. Avoid hard foods that could potentially crack and damage your teeth.

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Lack of enamel can also cause your teeth to be extra sensitive. Elderly people often need to be careful when ingesting anything too cold or hot. Again, a fluoride toothpaste can help with tooth sensitivity.

You should also visit the dentist, like Dr. Cocolis, if you notice an increase in sensitivity. It can sometimes be a sign of tooth decay which is also more common in old age.

3. Saliva Levels Decrease

Some medications that elderly patients take can cause dry mouth syndrome. The saliva ducts in the mouth produce less saliva.

We need saliva to regulate the bacteria growth in our mouths. It washes away food particles to prevent decay and plaque build-up.

Since elderly people often lack saliva, they need to be conscious of mouth care. Drink plenty of water each day and avoid mouth rinses that contain alcohol. Alcohol can increase the effects of dry mouth syndrome.

Interested in Learning More About Mouth Care?

The more you know about your health, the better you can protect it. Your mouth and teeth are like any other body part. If you don’t take care of them, you risk losing them to disease and damage.

As you age, mouth care becomes even more important. Maintain your oral care with regular visits to the Dentist in Kennewick to combat the natural changes that occur with age.

The elderly population is vulnerable to a variety of health conditions. Learn more about those risks and how to prepare for them. Prevention is key when it comes to your health.

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