How Do I Know if I Have a Medical Malpractice Case? 9 Warning Signs

How Do I Know if I Have a Medical Malpractice Case? 9 Warning Signs

Medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the United States. That fact is often shocking to people as most of us have been trained to put our faith in the expertise of western medical doctors.

Unfortunately, despite years of schooling required of medical professionals and the endorsement of facilities by insurance providers, thousands of medical malpractice suits are filed every year.

It can be difficult to tell if bad service at your doctor’s office equates to medical malpractice. That gray area bears the question, “How do I know if I have medical malpractice grounds?”

To help you better shape your conclusion, below, we outline 9 of the top factors malpractice lawsuits hinge on.

1. Your Diagnosis Was Delayed

It is a medical provider’s duty to provide the diagnosis of illnesses within a reasonable time frame. What constitutes reasonable is often subjective and timetables can vary based on the volume of patients that a health care facility sees and the complexity of illness.

With that said, if a delay in diagnosis was significant enough that your condition worsened noticeably while waiting for a doctor’s response, you may have a medical negligence case.

2. You Were Not Listened To During Examinations

One of the top contributors to medical mistakes is medical professionals assuming conclusions.

Assumptions in medicine come from doctors seeing hundreds of patients a week and assuming that if symptoms are similar, so are illnesses. These assumptions tend to make themselves apparent when doctors don’t probe you for information regarding your habits, lifestyle, medical history, and other relevant factors.

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If you feel like your doctor didn’t do enough to understand your unique health situation, the answer to the question of “How do I know if I have medical malpractice case grounds” might be yes.

3. Your Condition Showed No Improvement or Got Worse Post Intervention

People visit healthcare professionals to improve their condition. Unfortunately, not all visits to the doctor result in betterment.

If you’re feeling worse weeks after your doctor’s visit than you were pre-visit and your doctor has offered no alternative course of treatment, we recommend getting a second opinion as soon as possible.

You may also want to find out more about hiring a medical malpractice attorney.

4. The Health Facility That Tended You Never Followed Up

Were you promised a follow-up call in regard to tests but never got one? Did your doctor not call to ask how your treatment plan was aiding your illness?

If you answered yes to either of those questions and have been left lying awake worrying, your healthcare facility may not be complying with what’s legally required.

Talk to other patients treated by your physician (if possible) to see if your doctor is equally slow at follow-ups with their issues.

Whether or not the issue is systematic, you may have a case.

5. The Overall Organization and Culture of Your Healthcare Facility Seems Alarming

Private doctor’s offices are like any business.

When things are going well, they’re firing on all cylinders. When money is tight, corners get cut.

If you’ve noticed your healthcare facility to be understaffed and/or in a rush to get you out the door and felt that the lack care has contributed to your condition worsening, we recommend contacting an attorney.

6. The Wrong Tests Got Ordered

One of the most common reasons why people ask the question, “How do I know if I have medical malpractice grounds?” is because they realized their doctor ordered the wrong tests.

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This truth is typically uncovered when seeking a second opinion.

If your doctor ordered tests that could have never uncovered the diagnosis of your illness, you should explore court action.

7. You Got Dismissed Without a Path Forward

If you’re not feeling well, there’s something wrong with you. Until you’re feeling well, your doctor should always offer you a new course of action.

If your doctor dismissed you while you were still feeling sick saying that there’s nothing medically wrong, an attorney may see that negligence as grounds to sue.

8. Alternate Opinions Have Substantially Differed From Your Original Diagnosis

It can be hard to nail down the cause of symptoms. The human body is complicated and there are a lot of variables at play when crafting a diagnosis.

Despite that, if secondary opinions have concurred on your problem and those opinions sharply contrast your original diagnosis, you may have ground to sue for incompetence.

9. An Error Occurred During a Surgical Procedure

The most obvious sign of when you have a medical malpractice case is when, post-surgery, you’re informed by an emergency room that a mistake occurred.

In cases like this, it’s important that you figure out what your options are to rectify the error first and contact a lawyer immediately after.

Wrapping Up How Do I Know If I Have Medical Malpractice Grounds

Thousands of people ask themselves, “How do I know if I have medical malpractice grounds” every year. This question often comes from deep frustration they’re feeling in regard to the level of care they received from their doctor.

If you’ve experienced any of the things we’ve listed over the course of this article, chances are you’d benefit from talking to an attorney.

Don’t let medical malpractice go unprosecuted. If you let poor medical care slip through the cracks, the doctor you let off the hook may go onto ruin another patient’s life.

For more of the latest information on health, lifestyle improvements, and more check out additional content on Legend Valley today.

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