Top 7 Books Every Woman Entrepreneur Must Read

entrepreneurship books

Entrepreneur women are contributing to the corporate world with their innovative ideas and entrepreneurial approaches. They tend to be more passionate and energetic towards the business as compared to men. Many writers have written different books on women role in business and their contribution to the business community. But there are some books which are specifically written for those women who want to start their business or they have some outstanding ideas. These books reflect the best innovative ideas and suggestions to start your own business and these books must be read by every woman who wants to be a successful entrepreneur. Here is the list of those seven books which can be helpful for entrepreneur women

1. Years of Yes by Shonda Rhimes

This book is written about the powerful and successful entrepreneur woman of Hollywood who changed her life by yes and this book also reveals how a yes changed her normal life into a successful life. Her net worth is the 400 million which shows that she is a successful entrepreneur. Grey’s anatomy and scandal was her biggest achievement in her career. She is being too much money for her shows on the television and her shows are liked by many people. This book tells her story that she was a terrified and scared woman who used to get scared by everything and she was not able to say ‘’Yes” to challenges. But there was a turning point when she started saying yes to every fear and challenge in life.

2. What I told My Daughters by Ninsa Taylor

This book explains the story of a group of women who used their real-life examples and pieces of advice just to make their lives better and they wanted their daughters to be successful in their lives. These women told their daughters about the real moments and character building which could help them in life. A woman who was president in a college tells her daughter that leadership makes you enough able to connect with every person who is around you and how a leader can influence the lives of others. Another woman who was a policewoman explains her daughter that courage is the best quality which makes you confident and helps you throughout your life.

A woman who used to be an entertainer tells her daughter to spend your life in your way and always speak the truth no matter what is the situation. She tries to tell her that it is your life and you have a right on it.

3. A good time to be a Woman

This book is written by Helena Morrissey explains the story of a British CEO who transformed herself into a great entrepreneur of Britain. In which she focuses on why women have to act more than the guys and why women should take some extraordinary steps in life. She also says that women should keep reinventing new ideas and ways in life instead of following old and outdated systems. She focuses on giving training to the women in working places and she also focuses on the women empowerment.

4. Broken Open

Broken open is written by the Elizabeth lesser who is the founder of Omega Institute and this institute is working as a retreat institution where wellness of people is the main objective. In this book, she explains how people can use those moments and factors which were the reasons for failure and how with the help of those moment people can bring positive change in their lives. She also focuses on the positive change and she says that changing yourself is the best skill.

She also has explained the stories of those people who were upset and down in life but they tried to bring a positive change in their lives. Those people became more passionate and concerned about their lives.

5. Thrive

This book beautifully explains the social change, fighting with society. This book is written by the Arianna Huffington who is the most influential women and her book has helped many entrepreneur women. In this book, Arianna tells us about her life and the challenges which she has faced in her life. She had to manage her time for her priorities of life with two daughters. She had a great responsibility on her shoulder but somehow she managed everything for a successful career and life. She tells her readers that how change and revolution can be brought in our lives, society and working places.

6. Radical Kandor

This book is written by Kim Scott who has been CEO Coach of two well-known companies in the world which are twitter and the Dropbox. In this book, she focuses on the wisdom that how we should listen to everything in life, how we should respond towards the people and she also explains that either we should be a game-changer or a dull person in the life. This book also explains the importance of guidance and criticism which helped her in getting good results from the employees.

In this book, Radical explained three steps of making successful relationships with your employees which are following.

  • ’Make it personal’’ which means when you want to get done something from your employees you need to make that your matter as it matters for you.
  • ’Get your work done’’ which refers to getting your work done by using good communication skills with your employees.
  • ‘’Understanding that why it matters’’ it explains that you must know that the work you are getting done and the skills you are using to make good relationships with customers is necessary. You should know your real objectives.

7. Daring greatly written by Brene Brown

In this book, brene brown is focusing on self-efficacy and women empowerment in which she says that you should be ashamed of rejections and ignorance rather you should have enough confidence to show your vulnerability to the people. She says that we are afraid of showing our true side to people so it is important to be vulnerable in life.

Author bio: Kaylee Brown is a motivational speaker and professional blogger who create content to inspire people for living a healthy and happy life. She is also associated with to provide assignment help to lower students’ stress effectively.