Quick and Safe Diy Cleaning Hacks

Safe Diy Cleaning Hacks

Whether you are in the habit of constant cleaning or you are the last-minute cleaner, knowing few tricks can help you make household chores relatively easy. In this article, we are going to tell you about some safe and quick DIY cleaning hacks which can be useful in removing those tough stains in no time:

Using olive oil to buff off the surfaces

Olive oil is loaded with a bunch of nutritional benefits. It is also used on a wide scale for cleaning different parts of your home. Hence, you can make the right use of it to clean stainless steel, like pans, pots, and different appliances. You should pour olive oil upon the soft cloth, after which you should apply it in a circular motion for the removal of the dirty spots.

Using lemons 

If the garbage disposal bag starts stinking, the foul smell will end up empowering the kitchen, and eventually, your entire home. The vibrant smell of the fresh lemon is going to do wonders for your home.

 Thus, you can be ensured that your home will be filled with its invigorating smell throughout the day. A wide assortment of people uses the mixture of lemons and kosher salt for cleaning the chopping board without the worry of leaving chemicals on it. 

You can also opt for lemon oil as the primary tool for the removal of tough grease stains in a natural way. You can consider spraying the combination of a cup of vinegar, water, and lemon essentials on the top and wipe it clean.

Unclogging the sink

It is an old trick used by a lot of people to give a new look to the kitchen. We all have been there when the sink has exploded after a lot of unclogging. Using the mixture of vinegar and baking soda is going to be useful. It is a powerful punch that can enhance the elegance of the kitchen and make it look completely new.

It is a 10-minute plan where you need to take half a cup of baking soda and mix it with hot water. Now, you need to put it within the empty tub, after which you should let it sit there for about five minutes. Now, you fill one-quarter of the tub by using hot water and allow it to sit for the extra give minute. Then, you should release the drain, after which you should wash it thoroughly.

Lemon oil can be an excellent addition to clean your microwave. You need to pour about 15-20 drops of the lemon oil in 1 1/2 cups of water and let it sit there for about 5-10 minutes. Now, you should let the steam be condensed on the ceilings and inner walls of the machine.

Unblocking the air vents

As you check after some time, you will notice that the air vents have become a lot dirty, with the accumulation of dirt and grime. They are responsible for sending the dust within the room. Moreover, it is responsible for blocking the air and prevents it from going out. 

To fix this, you can use the soft vacuum brush tool for the removal of dust. If you see that the air vents have not been blocked until now, you should use the cleaning agent to soak the rag. Now, you should wrap it around the butter knife and clean the vents.

DIY Glass cleaners

If you want to clean the glass and retain its polished look, you can consider using a mixture of distilled water, white vinegar along with few drops of shake and essential oil. Using this mixture is considered to be an easy and budget-friendly means to remove the unwanted spots from the mirrors, windows, and shower doors.

Essential oils and aromatherapy

Essential oils are regarded as an optimum choice to clean the toilet. You need to combine 15-20 drops of tea tree essential oil and another 15 drops of orange essential oil and baking soda. Now, you should allow the mixture to sit in the bowl for about half an hour and scrub it by using the bowl brush before using the flush.

To clean the tough stops of the tub, you can try the mixture of basil essential oils, lemon, baking soda, and dish soap. You can use the sponge and apply the mixture on the sink’s surface for about ten minutes. Now, wash it with water, and you will notice that it is glowing like anything else.


Cleaning your home will no longer seem to be a long-lost battle, as you opt for certain home cleaning hacks. You can use cable protectors to come up with DIY cleaning hacks. They are equipped with the non-conductive materials to offer protection to the personnel.