Removal of carpet might be one daunting task that brings only stressful elements into your mind. It’s a kind of dirty work that requires a lot of hands-on. As soon you remove it, you’ll realize how filthy your home has been all those years. You didn’t even know it and did the best with regular vacuuming and cleaning chores. As much as the carpet removal sounds like anything but fun in the first place, you shouldn’t forget about its positive impact. On you and your wellbeing.
The Joys
It’s certainly not a joy to remove your old carpet and scuff up all the dirt. But as you go through the process of removing it, you know it’ll be gone soon. Finally, you can turn your place into a super tidy home before installing the new flooring. Maybe, you’re looking forward to receiving your new carpet, aren’t you? The trick to get over with carpet removal is to keep your end goal in mind. The end goal is installing your new flooring, and you’ve already fallen in love with it. It’s a fresh and brand new design, setting a new tone in your home. You can hardly wait for it to have the old carpet removed, out of sight and out of mind. The sooner you’re done with it, the sooner you can install the new one.
And there’s even another factor that’s certainly putting a smile on your face: you don’t have to worry about how to get rid of it. You’re just scheduling a carpet removal service, and that’s about it. All you have to do is just rip it out and put a pile of it in your front yard for the time being. The junk removers are going to take care of the rest. If you don’t have a front yard, you can create a pile in one room of your home from where the junk removers are collecting it.
The comfort
It’s unlikely that your old carpet is still offering you a sense of comfort. It’s old, rugged, and torn. One last big party on the old carpet wouldn’t hurt. You don’t have to make a fuss and get rid of any stains that will undoubtedly occur. At last, you neither have to worry about the dirty soles of your kids anymore. Let your kids draw on it and have some fun. And who cares if your cat puked on it for one last time? Having to worry about a tedious cleaning regime can also provide you with a bit of comfort only because you don’t have to worry for once.
New Feel
Yet alone those final days with your old carpet let you imagine what life will be like with the new carpet. Yes, you’ll have to take care of spills immediately, again. But it’s going to be soft underneath your feet, providing you with that little bit of extra warmth during the cold season. The new carpet may not require you to put on a pair of thick socks at all. Moreover, you don’t have to make your hands dirtier than they already are. Neither do you have to put the old carpet into your trunk and bring it to the junkyard yourself? It’s all sorted if you call the junk removers who are happy to take care of the remains of your old carpet.
If you went a step further, you could also ask a professional to remove your old carpet. That means no dirty hands for you at all. You wouldn’t have to lift a single finger to remove it and have it done by someone who doesn’t care what it looks like. You know, the carpet guys have seen pretty bad things in their line of work already. They won’t ask any questions either if there are some more wine spills on your old carpet or not.
The stress-reducing power
To be fair, if you’re under a lot of stress, you should try carpet removal yourself, in your own way. While it may sound counterproductive, it can provide a perfect outlet for any emotions and stress you’ve bottled up deep inside of you. The less time you have in your daily schedule, the less time you have to deal with any emotions you come across day in and day out. You don’t have time to worry about your feelings as you have to keep going.
Change for Good
Swallowing such negative emotions only makes matters worse, though. At least in the long run. You don’t notice anything at first since you only push it away. But they’re still there, and once the perfect time has come with yet another stress trigger, your floodgates are going to be pushed wide open. It doesn’t have to go to that. All you need to do is just to let it out and find the perfect task to navigate yourself through.
Your partner just left you for a younger one? Rip up the old carpet. Your favorite jeans don’t fit you any longer? Rip up the old carpet. You’re angry because that big project was given to someone else, again? Rip up your old carpet. Naturally, everyone needs an outlet for negative emotions. Some people may have a sad sack in the cellar; others just hug trees.
Get It Over With
Mostly feelings of anger are suitable to be channeled into the process of removing your old carpet. However, you could use it as an outlet for sadness as well. For example, you could imagine that your carpet stands for all the sadness you carry inside of you. It certainly does weigh heavily not just on your shoulders, but it leaves that numbing shadow in your home as well. As you tear your old carpet away, you could imagine that you also tear away your sadness with it. Just put it all into the carpet. As you’re done with your carpet removal, you can see that emotion you don’t want to feel any longer.
Final Thoughts
Removing your carpet can be a daunting task, but if you have the right mindset, it can be the beginning of something new. You and your living room will be refreshed and the atmosphere of comfort will be a welcome addition to your household.