4 Reasons To Hire A Skip Instead Of Using The Tip

Hire A Skip Instead

If you are clearing out your home or garden, you usually have two choices when it comes to disposing of your waste; you can think of hiring a skip or use your local tip (household waste recycling center). 

If you are on a tight budget when having a clear-out, you may opt to use the tip. However, the tip can often be more hassle than you would expect. In this blog, we are going to outline the benefits of hiring a skip rather than using the tip.

Hiring a Skip is Time-Efficient

Hiring a skip is a quick process that takes just a few minutes to do online or over the phone. Simply choose the skip size that is ideal for you, and with the right skip hire company, your skip will be delivered the very next day. Depending on how long you think your clear out will take, you can hire the skip for as long as you need it.

Disposing of your rubbish in a skip right outside your home is quick and easy. Whereas loading up your car and taking numerous trips back and forth to the local tip can be extremely time-consuming, especially if your local tip is not close to your home. 

Household waste recycling centres tend to be busy throughout the year and you may find yourself queueing to get into the tip, making the process even more time-consuming. Plus, if you are going to the tip, you will have to spend time organising your waste into the correct categories. Whereas with a skip, you do not have to waste time separating your household rubbish.

Hiring a Skip is Convenient

Having a skip located right outside your door is so convenient when getting rid of household and garden waste! When you hire a skip, it is transported to and from your home and placed in a location that is both convenient and safe. Whether the skip is located in your garden, on your drive, or on the road outside your house, it is close enough for you to dispose of your waste quickly and easily.  

You do not have to separate your rubbish into specific categories. Similarly, you won’t have to worry about what can and cannot be recycled. The skip hire company will separate your waste correctly and recycle as much as possible.

If it is a big project and you are planning on using the tip, you may have to hire a van to drive your waste to the tip, alternatively, you will you have to make numerous trips back and forth in your car. If you opt to hire a skip instead, you do not have to hire a vehicle to transport your waste. Plus, you don’t have to worry about getting the interior of your car dirty. 

Ideal For Your Needs

There is a wide range of skips and roll on roll off bins available to suit your needs. Having to choose the right size skip for the job may put some people off. However, choosing the right skip is a simple process and the skip hire company will help you as much as possible. You simply choose the skip size based on how much rubbish you have to dispose of. 

A 4-yard skip, for example, will fit 35-45 bin liners or 8-10 wheelie bins worth of rubbish and a 6-yard skip will hold 65 bin liners or 13 wheelies bins worth of rubbish. If you are moving in/out and have a lot of rubbish to get rid of, or if you are having a home renovation, you may want to opt for a larger skip, such as an 8 yard or 12-yard skip.

No Restrictions

Many household waste recycling centres have their own restrictions and it is always best to check with your local tip visiting. For example, some recycling centres have restrictions on how often you can visit, what times you are allowed to visit and how much waste you can dispose of. There may also be restrictions on the size of the vehicle you are using to transport your waste.

When hiring a skip, there are no such restrictions. There are certain materials and types of waste that cannot be placed into a household waste skip, but other than that, you are free to fill the skip with your waste as and when you please. 

When Is Hiring A Skip The Better Option?

If you have just a few bags of rubbish to dispose of, a trip to your local tip may be the best and most cost-effective option for you. However, hiring a skip is the better option if you are:

  • Having a big home clear out, such as a Spring Clean 
  • Moving in/out of your home or preparing to put your house on the market
  • Remodelling, renovating or having a home extension
  • Landscaping your garden
  • Renovating your office space 

Remember, commercial waste cannot be disposed of at the tip. If you are clearing out your workplace or having a renovation, you will need to hire a skip.