There are several types of medical malpractices, and every case is different. Given the complicated nature of the medical practice, it is not surprising that even a minute mistake by a medical professional can bring life-altering effects on the patient.
Medical malpractice can occur in any medical situation, such as a visit to a Dentist in fairfax, regular health check-up, emergency room situation, or a complex surgery. Because the consequences of even a little negligence can be life-altering, contacting a Miami medical malpractice lawyer becomes necessary. Below is a list of common medical malpractice scenarios.
After a patient is admitted to a medical clinic, hospital, or emergency room, the first step is to diagnose the illness. Diagnosing the symptoms correctly is crucial because it is the basis of the medical treatment given to the patient.
However, at times, there may be an error in the diagnosis. Some common errors are:
· Misdiagnosis of a stroke
· Failure to diagnose cancer
· Misdiagnosing the symptoms of an impending heart attack
· Misdiagnosis of diabetes
· Failure to recognize appendicitis, meningitis
· Failure to recognize pulmonary embolism and DVT
Delayed Diagnosis
It is also a type of medical negligence if any other doctor would have correctly diagnosed the medical condition in time, which could save the damage caused to the patient. A doctor may fail to diagnose a disease in time due to their hectic schedule or their inability to administer the medical treatment.
The hospital may be held liable for causing damage resulting from a delay in diagnosis. Some cases of delayed diagnosis are:
· Delay in cancer diagnosis
· Delay in diagnosing a heart attack
· Delay in diagnosing a stroke
· Delay in diagnosis of an internal trauma injury
· Delayed diagnosis of a coronary artery disease
Surgical Error
During a surgical procedure, medical negligence can result in infection and sepsis, further surgeries, immune system failure, internal organ damage, and even death. The doctor conducting the surgery needs to have a massive level of skill because even a slight mistake can affect the patient profoundly.
Surgical errors can take place in several forms, such as unintentional laceration on internal organs, wrong-site surgery, uncontrolled blood loss, leaving foreign objects in the patient’s body, or perforation of an organ.
Errors in Anesthesia
Amongst the risky part of a major medical operation, anesthesia is one of them. The process requires an anesthesiologist to monitor and administer the effect on a patient.
Before the medical procedure that requires anesthesia, the anesthesiologist will first review the medical record, allergies, prior medications, history of the patient. They will also consider the time needed for the operation to establish the best drug combination to use.
Labor Malpractice and Childbirth Trauma
Childbirth can be a difficult event for the mother and the newborn child. Even though the doctor and nurses handle the event appropriately, there may be instances of medical malpractice during childbirth.
The medical negligence can happen in various ways, such as failure to perform caesarian surgery, complications with induced labor, mishandling a complicated birth, failure to control fetal vital signs, or misdiagnosis of the medical condition of the newborn.