The population of many species is declining, the most alarming being that of bees. 40% of bee species are facing extinction. Pollinators, particularly bees, are vital for the world’s food production. Their disappearance threatens food security, and something needs to be done to save the bees. Here are ways you can help save bees from home.
Promote Local Honey Gardening
Supporting local beekeepers by having a taste of their honey helps protect bee population. Local beekeepers are passionate about honey bees, and they carry out sustainable bee farming practices. However, they are facing competition from cheaper and inferior honey as a result of the colony collapse disorder. Consume safe honey that is free from illegal antibiotics and keep farmers in business.
Local bee farming can help save the bees.
Avoid Using Pesticides
Imidacloprid, which is a neonicotinoid, has been found to be one of the causes of colony collapse disorder. Neonicotinoids are a class of insecticides that find their way into the bees’ system through nectar and pollen. Using these pesticides in your garden or yard to get rid of pests threatens the existence of bees.
There are bee-friendly alternatives for getting rid of pests in your garden or farm. You can introduce earthworms to your garden. Not only do they improve the soil structure of your garden, but they also suppress the growth of weeds.
Create a Nest for the Bees
Creating a habitat for bees and doing home-keeping for the hives will encourage bees to stay in your garden. The disappearance of the bee population is also a result of the loss of their habitat caused by climate change. Climate change has led to the death of plants, which form a significant percentage of bee habitats.
Lack of habitats makes it hard for the bees to rear their young ones, leading to further depletion of the species. Setting up a bee sanctuary in your garden can help save the bees. You can create a structure using hollow trunks, mud, bricks, and twigs. Better still, you can buy an affordable, readymade bee structure.
Plant a Bee-Friendly Garden
Manicured lawns consisting of only grass are attractive. However, they are not the best for bees. Letting some weeds and wildflowers grow in your garden will attract the pollinators. Bees love flowering herbs like sage, thyme, oregano, and chives. Plants that have a long blooming period will ensure that the bees have a constant supply of food and nectar. Another good alternative is having plants with successive blooming cycles in your garden.
Also, supply fresh water to the bees. Bees, too, need a dependable source of water. Unfortunately, due to climate change and pollution, access to fresh and clean water has been limited. Bees use water for several purposes. One is for cooling during hot weather. Water is also one of the ingredients bees use to make bee food for their larvae.
For healthy larvae to develop, its diet should consist of 80% water. Place a shallow bucket of freshwater in your garden to prevent them from drowning. A birth made of twigs, leaves, and branches provides the bees with a safe landing as they get access to water.
Protecting bee colonies ensures that humans have a constant supply of food. Practicing bee-friendly gardening and promoting local beekeepers puts a stop to the depletion of bee species. The simple act of saving bees at home makes a significant contribution to the global bee saving agenda. Make your contribution by exercising the above.