Workplace Safety: 5 Tips for Making Your Office Safe and Secure

Workplace Safety: 5 Tips for Making Your Office Safe and Secure

The average person will spend 90,000 hours at work throughout their lifetime. If you’re going to spend that much time doing anything, you deserve to feel safe and secure.

Unfortunately, many offices aren’t as protected as they could be and aren’t prepared for an emergency situation.

But it isn’t too late to prepare. Ocean fireproofing can help you make your office space fire proof. Keep reading for five practical tips on how to improve workplace safety.

1. Create an Emergency Plan

What would you do if a fire broke out right now? Would you know where to go?

Sadly, many businesses have no plan in place for a worst-case scenario situation.

Don’t make the same mistake — a crisis can happen anywhere, any time, to anyone. Between natural disasters, break-ins, active shooters, and fires, a lot can go wrong in an office environment.

Gather your employees and partner with your office’s security company and fire marshals. They can walk you through the best possible exit routes and provide helpful advice on what to do in case of a hostile employee or outside aggressor.

The mere act of having safety procedures in place can give your employees peace of mind.

2. Mark All Exits

As effective as a plan can be, there’s no accounting for the panic that ensues during an emergency.

To counteract this, make sure all exits are clearly marked.

OSHA recommends that workplaces have at least two exits to prevent overcrowding. But if you can’t find an exit when you need it, what good is it?

3. Practice Crisis Drills

It’s hard to keep cool during a crisis. To prevent further panic, conduct regular crisis drills with your employees.

These drills will ensure that everyone is on the same page about where to go and what to do should an emergency situation arise.

Drills should occur at least once per quarter and need to cover a variety of crisis situations.

4. Switch to Automated Security

It doesn’t take much to break into an office. But you can further protect your employees and workplace by switching your security practices.

There are tons of great, technology-focused security solutions that can add extra layers of security.

Access control is a great example. A normal lock is easy to break into. But keyless entry like keycards or passcodes is much harder for criminals to access.

Best of all, smart tech solutions are easy to set up and can save you money in the long run. Access Control Locksmiths can help you get your new security system up and running in just a few hours.

5. Don’t Forget About Tech Safety

Cybersecurity safety procedures are every bit as important as physical safety protocols.

Data breaches are growing more common and have the power to ruin a company.

Stay safe by educating your team on best cybersecurity practices. Discuss the benefits of strong password security, talk about phishing scams, and come up with data loss prevention strategies.

Workplace Safety Matters: Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late

Every worker deserves to feel secure. Make sure you’re keeping your team safe by implementing these workplace safety techniques.

Security doesn’t have to stop when you leave the office, either. Check out these home security hacks to keep your home safe — even when you’re at the office.